Intimate lubricants: Unleash your passion!

Among its properties is to facilitate penetration or enhance orgasm. If you want to enjoy sex more, lubricants can help!

In today’s world, sexual lubricants are products that should not be missing in your most intimate moments. Whether you are alone or with a partner, the function of this product is of great help as it will make both the vagina and the anus more moist, making the sexual encounter much more pleasurable.

For example, in the menopausal stage – when natural lubrication decreases due to the loss of estrogen – this product is widely recommended. However, these gels can be used at any adult age, enjoying – as mentioned before – their benefits, whether used alone or with a partner.

In many instances, penetration can cause discomfort, and in numerous cases, minor bleeding due to excessive friction. It is for this reason that the use of lubricants has become very popular as it facilitates sexual relations. Additionally, it should be taken into account that safety is also a sought-after factor, as a good lubricant minimizes friction and the risk of condom breakage, which, if it were to occur, could increase the risk of not only unwanted pregnancies but also contracting dreaded sexually transmitted diseases.

How to apply a sexual lubricant?

It is recommended to use a small amount of the product and apply it manually to the area that will be penetrated or on the object used for penetration – fingers, penis, sex toys, placed condoms.

Moreover, the use of water-based lubricants in gel form is highly recommended, as their main component is water, making it very unlikely to cause any type of allergy.

Intimate lubricants are the best ally when aiming for maximum pleasure in a sexual relationship. As mentioned before, many women face issues with lubrication, which can be attributed to various factors such as hormonal changes (mostly caused by menopause or pregnancy), the use of long-term contraceptives, and even chemotherapy processes. Vaginal dryness can also occur due to stress, leading to insufficient natural lubrication.

Types of lubricants

There are different types of intimate lubricants. Water-based ones are the most natural, less irritating, and more compatible with condoms. Then there are oil-based lubricants like MUKÍ’s CBD Intimate, which last longer than water-based ones but are not as compatible with latex condoms and are more challenging to wash off the body. There is also silicone-based lubricant, which is essential for anal sex – for both heterosexual and homosexual couples – as this sexual practice requires ample lubrication and dilation to make penetration less painful and more pleasurable.

The Fun Factor

Adding fun to sensuality is always welcome and delightful. Nowadays, there are countless sexual toys and gels to add an extra touch of enjoyment to your most intimate moments. Using intimate lubricants is beneficial for condoms, as choosing the right gel will prevent latex from deteriorating and breaking. On the other hand, it is a very versatile product because you can even apply it to your erotic toys, avoiding excessive friction and increasing pleasure. Since not all lubricants are suitable for use with toys, it is necessary to carefully read the usage instructions.

Oil-based lubricants, such as MUKÍ’s CBD Intimate, last longer than those formulated with a water base, but they are not as compatible with latex condoms.

Finally, I’ll tell you that most lubricants are designed to be used during foreplay and also for oral sex, as there are countless flavors available in the market. So, whether you want to use it at the beginning, during your orgasms, during anal sex, or even while giving yourself pleasure, choosing a product that makes you feel comfortable will be the best decision.

Happy Sex!

© MukíMagazine

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